Jun 1, 2020

An Interview with Joanna Goddard about Trusted Partners and why businesses use them

Updated: Dec 13, 2020

From tackling remote working to switching production to help meet the needs of critical supply chain; to adapting and adopting social distancing rules of operation, many SME’s are adopting new technology and adapting existing systems for things like online payments and bookings at a rapid pace. Coupled with continued rising COVID-19 related cybercrime reports from the National Cyber Security Centre, it is more important than ever before for SME’s to have a structured way to ensure their basic cyber security risk is understood and addressed during such changes.

BRIM is committed to providing guidance and support to SMEs across the country, through the establishment of Cyber Security Centres and the provision of free resources for those who need it most. Partnering with IASME, the Government’s approved Cyber Essentials certifier, Trusted Partners can be identified at regional level the through new network of Cyber Resilience Centres.

IASME tells us “Cyber Essentials is a Government backed scheme designed to guard against the most common internet based cyber security threats and allows organisations of all sizes to demonstrate their commitment to cyber security. From April 1st 2020 IASME became the Cyber Essentials Partner with the National Cyber Security Centre.”

Our Director of Programmes at BRIM, Joanna Goddard, spoke to the Influential Visions Podcast about working with our Trusted Partner network and IASME to deliver these resources, tips on starting your cyber security journey by learning though your certification journey, and how we need government-level structures in place to ensure the supply chain is safer for all.

To stay informed on the latest cyber security updates, including new CRC launches, sign up to our newsletter.

More on The IASME Governance standard

The IASME Governance standard was developed over several years during a government funded project to create a cyber security standard which would be an affordable and achievable alternative to the international standard, ISO27001. The standard allows small companies in a supply chain to demonstrate their level of cyber security for a realistic cost and indicates that they are taking good steps to properly protect their customers information. The IASME Governance assessment includes a Cyber Essentials assessment and GDPR requirements and is available either as a self-assessment or on-site audit.

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